You Found Me...

...where am I?


| Reading time: 10 minutes

I’m going to be honest, this chronicling of my journey into doubt and out of faith has been slow getting off of the ground. I’ll admit, I’ve been rather busy since the last time I checked in, but I also can’t deny that there’s been a struggle to get myself to write as well. It’s not that I don’t want to write, believe me. Once I get started with writing, I have more trouble getting myself to stop.


| Reading time: 8 minutes

Oh, hey again. You’re still here. Can’t find your way out of this void by chance? Or maybe you’re settling in and just looking for a place to stay for a while, like me. Nevertheless, you are welcome to stay as long as you like. Mind if I share a few thoughts with you while you’re here? When I was young, I was oblivious to what I was being subjected to as far as trauma is concerned.


| Reading time: 5 minutes

Well, hello. Welcome to my cozy little corner of the void. Please, pull up a chair and let me fix you some tea. I’m not quite sure how you found yourself here, but I do hope you enjoy your stay. Who am I, you ask? In all reality, I’m just some random person. I’ve tried keeping a public log of writings of my deeper thoughts and ideas, but over the past few years I’ve found that my particular audience of closer friends, family, and acquaintances would not be too fond of what I have to say anymore.